This is images, videos and files available for the press. Right click on the images and choose “Save link as…”

World Dumbination gang

World Dumbination gang

Product sheet thumbnail

Product sheet. This is a two page PDF describing the game. Make sure you save the link and not the image!

Word Dumbination box

World Dumbination 3D box.

World Dumbination logo

World Dumbination logo.

World Dumbination game

World Dumbination game.

Some of the cards in the game.

All action and project cards in the game.

World Dumbination meeples

World Dumbination meeples.

World Dumbination game with no background

World Dumbination game – no background

World Dumbination box front

World Dumbination box front.

World Dumbination box back

World Dumbination box back.

Collecting the smart people illustration.

Collecting the smart people illustration.